• Weed control by species
  • Herbicide safety on crops
  • Genotype x herbicide interactions
  • Carryover assessment to rotational crops

Herbicide testing along with adjuvant additions are important features of evaluations in conventional agriculture testing.  We sometimes reduce the rate of herbicide to 50 to 75% of normal to put additional pressures on the adjuvants or materials added with the herbicide.  Often water conditioning agents, drift retardants, or crop oil concentrates are useful in tank mixtures.  Today mixtures of products are common place to provide diverse modes of action on hard to kill weeds.  We typically rate weed control at 7, 14, and 28 days after treatment, but for fast acting materials may move this up to 1 to 3 days after treatment.  All studies are replicated and weed control and crop phytotoxicity evaluated in a manner consistent with scientific methods.  Test details are included with reports and statistical analyses using the ARM (agricultural research manager) program are provided to clients.  For those without ARM let us know and we can move the statistical results from ARM to excel for you.  This will provide an electronic report for your data base.   Untreated controls are a part of the tests and often our plots are wide enough to provide areas beside each plot where one can see the weed pressure in that area of the study.  We have been involved with weed studies over 30 years at this location and find it interesting how the spectrum of weeds has changed.  No till provides an interesting diversity as well.